35.3 Report Scoring Matrix

35.3 Report Scoring Matrix

The Report Scoring Matrix is your report marking dashboard.

Here you will be able to access a list of the reports that are currently open for marking and mark your students for the relevant questions for each section.

How to score or mark a report card

You can score student individually or in bulk by question or field item.  

Select the Report that you want to score in the report selection field.

Set the student population to reflect the students that you want to mark or display by using your filters (Year, House, Location, Group)

Scoring a Single Field
Clicking into any single field will open the scoring element (star selector or text element) where you can set your score or comment.

Scoring in Bulk
To score in bulk you can use the left column selector to select multiple students individually.
To select all students in your screen view select the selection box which is at the same level as the column titles.
Once you have selected your quantity of students then select the Toggle option above the title of any question or field and it will open the scoring element for that question or field

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