11.13 Meal Times

11.13 Meal Times

The Kitchen Meals widget on that is visible on the Metrics Page identifies the number of meals required for the next seven (7) days.  This widgit draws its data diriectly from the Leave module to identify the number of students that will be on campus for the relevant meal times.

Required meals are calculated as the number of students present for the scheduled meal time.  

Students returning from leave during the scheduled meal time are automatically included in the required meals total

Students returning from leave within 1 hour of the meal time schedule will be included in the required meals total if they have selected the late meal required option when they submit their leave request.

Meal Types

Meal types and meal times are fully customisable in REACH.  You may create as many meal types and meal times as you wish.

To add a meal type select the Add Meal button and then complete the settings:

Label is the meal name.

Start and End times are used to determine how many boarders will be on campus for the meal on any day.

Colour is a setting for how the meal appears in REACH charts

Days of the week are the days that the meal type is available to boarders.