Student Daily Timeline
Sometimes you just need to know, at the click of a button, what a student been doing for the past 24 hours or more. That's why we have the Student Daily Timeline.
The Student Daily Timeline will display a list of transactions or actions that a student has been involved in for any calendar day. It is a summary timeline that provides a quick overview of the student’s day.
How to access the student timeline
The timeline can be accessed from any student’s profile in the Student Sidebar by selecting the Timeline Icon.
View any historic day
By default the timeline will open up on the current day however you can view any day in the history of any student in REACH by using the calendar field to change the day view.
What gets displayed?
The timeline will display the following transactions or events in REACH for each student.
Attendance/Rollcall/Register Items (includes all standard and live rolls)
Survey submissions from the basic forms module (eg: Covid Symptoms Survey)
Medications Administered
Event registrations
Lists & Form submissions
Pastoral records created for the student
Medical and Wellbeing records created for the student
Leave requests created, approved or rejected
SISO – All sign in and sign out transactions
Sticky Notes created for the student
Security & visiblility
Not all staff have permission to see all information in REACH so where this are visibility restrictions in place for staff roles or individuals the transaction information being displayed in the timeline will be restricted for these staff members.
Blog stream
Create a blog post to share news and announcements with your team and company.