The Report Scoring Matrix is your report marking dashboard.
Here you will see be able to access a list of the reports that are currently open for marking and content fields for each of mark your students for the relevant questions for each section.
Scoring or marking your reports
For scoring questions, clicking on the content field will open the star rating modal where you can score the individual for the relevant question.
For Free Text questions a text entry modal will open for you to add your free text content.
Publishing your completed reports
When you have completed marking your reports and you are ready to publish your completed reports you can print the template to PDF documents by clicking the Print Visible button on the Reports Scoring Matrix page. This wil collate your date into the design template and prepare a multi page PDF document for you to print and distribute.
For students, published reports will be saved to their student profile historic records in the Performance Reporting menu of the Boarder Summary dashboard. Parents will also receive a linked on their login where they can view and print completed and published student performance reports.
How to score or mark a report card
You can score student individually or in bulk by question or field item.
Select the Report that you want to score in the report selection field. | |
Set the student population to reflect the students that you want to mark or display by using your filters (Year, House, Location, Group) | |
Scoring a Single Field Clicking into any single field will open the scoring element (star selector or text element) where you can set your score or comment. | |
Scoring in Bulk |