Second person verification (2PV) can be implemented in order to collect a confirmation from a second staff member or from a student when administering a medication. Verification is achieved through collecting the PIN of the second person in the administering modal when the medication is being given to the patient.
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Second persons who are verifying a medication has been administered need to have a PIN saved in their profile. The PIN will be used to identify them for verification records. PINs can be set in the Security tab of the user’s profile in either the People Management screen for administrators or in the My Account screen of the user’s account. |
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The setting selected will determine what second person options are available when assigning the medication to a student in step 2. |
Step 2: Set second person verification (2PV) as a requirement when assigning the medication to a patient
How 2PV displays when administering a medication
Once set to require a second person to acknowledge administering of a medication verification then the administering medication modal will be adjusted to include the opportunity for a second staff person to enter the identity using their personal PIN.display the 2PV identity collection using their personal PIN.
Highlighted text in the administering modal will alert the staff member admnistering the medication that a second person verification is required, and
A Second Person PIN field will be displayed. The first person’s PIN will not be accepted in this field and the field will also identify if it is a staff member or a student PIN that is being used so that it can adhere to the 2PV requirement set.
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Personal PINs can be set in the contact’s profile in the Security Tab. Once set, the person has the ability to edit their own pin in the My Account section of their Reach login. |
How 2PV displays in reports and the daily schedule
In the Daily Dispensary board an icon will display beside the allocated medication to identify for staff that a second person is required to administer the medication.