Search for and Sign-in to your school's Reach Portal
Open the App, Click the Let's Go button, Search for your school name.
Use simple terms or single words when searching for your school name. For example, to search for ‘St Andrew's Delaware’, simply search for Andrew. Reach will then search globally for any schools that match your search word and present the findings, if you cannot see your school, scroll down.
Click on your School and the login screen will appear.
Use the username and password to your Reach account and login.
Login Credentials
Your username and password credentials are controlled by your school.
Single-Sign-On: Sometimes your school might use a integrated sign in method known as Single-Sign-On. This allows you to use a single username and password across all of the services that your school provides directly. If your school is using Single-Sign-On they will advise you to use your normal school login credentials. If this is the case then select the USE SCHOOL LOGIN button rather than the Reach Login button.