Find it: System Configuration >> Quotas
REACH allows you to create quotas for Leave and other events with consequences that are customisable.
Any event in REACH can act as a trigger to count towards a quote. The most obvious use of Quotas is for the number of leave type events or late leave requests that a student may apply for in a semester or other defined period. Other trigger examples may be Absent records in RollCall, Negative Pastoral Notes.
Creating a new Quota
- Set you General Details
- Label is the name of your Quota
- Minimum amount is the minimum trigger point
- Maximum amount is the maximum trigger point
- Timeframe Type is the preiod for which the Quota is relevant
- Trigger is what counts as an event for this trigger (eg: submit leave request)
Set your Quota Consequences
A consequence is the event that you want to occur when a Quota is met or exceeded, or not met in the instance where you may set a minimum quota to monitor events that may not be occurring.
Concequences can range from displaying a message to the user alerting staff or preventing the event from proceeding.
You can set multiple consequences for any individual Quota (eg: Prevent Action from proceeding and Alert Staff)