When your event requires a leave approval from parents for student attendance you can use the Group that has been created for your event to generate a group leave request that will be circulated to parents individually for approval.
Why processing a group leave event is a good strategy.
When using REACH Events we recommend that you process leave requests for your students going on the event rather than just signing them out to a location for the event. This will ensure that you have a good trail of approvals for the event and it makes managing and monitoring permissions from parents for students to attend an event easier to manage.
How to create a group leave request for your event.
When sign up is closed for your event and you want to create a leave request for all of your students who registered for the event it is time to create a group leave request.
Step 1: Go to Create Leave and select the Group Leave creation icon in the boarder name selection field.
Step 2: Select the Event Group that has been created for your event to obtain a list of registered attendees from the bulk selection option. Select all students in the group and use the selected contacts for your leave request.
Step 3: Submit a leave request for your student group. REACH will create a number of individual leave requests that will then be sent to each parent for approval.
TIPS for managing Leave Types for REACH Events
- Create a generic leave type that can be used for all of your Events. This will allow you to report all of the leave taken for your recreation events by reporting the Leave Type for whatever date range you require.
- Use the Event number and Title as the Destination. This will make it easy for you to cross reference your Event records when reconciling various records relating to the event.
- Use the Notes field for additional information relating to the event or any special details relating to the event.
- You can by-pass processing the