API for medications data
API for medications data
Reach provides an API for medications data and administered medications data so that you can share medications dispensary data captured in Reach with other systems used by your school.
Current API
The current details of the Reach API for medications can be obtained at
GET Fetch all medications
Media type = JSON
Example value
"CatID": 0,
"DispTypeID": 0,
"ItemID": 0,
"Label": "string",
"Manufacturer": "string",
"Notes": "string",
"QoH": 0,
"QoHMin": 0,
"Unit": 0,
"UnitTypeID": 0
Error 400 Bad request, something is wrong with your request.
Error 403 Forbidden, missing a required permission.
GET Fetch dispensary items for today, or in a specific date range
Media Type = JSON
startDate string($date-time) (query) [startDate]
endDate string($date-time) )query) [endDate]
"ContactID": 0,
"Date": "string",
"DispTypeID": 0,
"ItemID": 0,
"MedItemID": 0,
"Notes": "string",
"StaffContactID": 0,
"Unit": 0,
"UnitTypeID": 0
Error 400 Bad request, something is wrong with your request.
Error 403 Forbidden, missing a required permission.
, multiple selections available,
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