The REACH Communications module allows you to send notifications to any individual or group of users in your boarding community easily and efficiently. The messages are sent as a "noreply" notification.
Send any combination of message modes
You can send notifications as Email, SMS, Push notification or Internal message ...... or in any combination of these methods of notification.
Go to: Communications > My Inbox > New
The Communications menu allows each user of REACH to send messages. Clicking on the NEW button in the My Inbox screen will provide the message details screen. Here you can select
When the Message details screen is open you can add the intended recipients of your notification in two way
1. Add recipients individually
In the Recipients panel start adding individual names. As you begin typing a name the panel will begin to search your contacts database for users that match the name you are typing. Select the name you want to add it to the recipients list and repeat this procedure for as many individuals that you want to add to the notification list.
2. Add recipients in bulk using the bulk selector
Clicking on the Bulk Selector icon at the right had side of the Recipients selection panel allows you to select and add recipients in bulk from your contacts database. Using this method you can quickly identify groups of people (eg: all parents) that you might want to send a notification to.
Using the bulk selector
Notifications can be sent in any one of the following ways. You can use each method individually or you can send a message in any combination of methods
! Important Note When sending by SMS or Push notification your messag
e cannot be sent with any rich text formatting
Your message content can be sent with rich text formatting when you are sending as email only. This allows you use a range of editing function for your content such as bolding, underlining, text colour controls, background colour controls, adding images or videos and adding hyperlinks to downloadable documents.
When sending by SMS each message will be distributed with a maximum 160 characters. Anything over 160 characters will be sent as an additional message to the entire distribution list.
Your bulk selection filters are designed to allow you to easily identify various populations of contacts in your REACH database however it is important to understand what filters are available and the logic for how these filters function.
Filters operate on a mutually inclusive logic (ie: When 2 filter options, say Year9 and Location X) are selected then only contacts that match both filter options selected will be shown ..... Year9 students at Location X). You can select from the following categories for your population filtering options:
Student specific filters
General Filters
Special Filter
! Important Note In general students are the only users that have House and Year filters in their profiles so when using these filters REACH will be looking at student populations.
Using Filter examples
! Important Note Whenever you have a set of filters selected you can use the special filters for parents to identify the parents of students on that filter set (eg: parents of Y11 & Y12 students)