Find it: System Configuration >> Locations
Locations are places on or off campus that you can create in order to track student movements. There is no limit to the number of locations that you can create in REACH.
Locations are used in the Sign In / Sign Out (SISO) process to identify where a boarder is moving to.
The Locations colour scales are used in the Kiosk View (Student Locator Screen) as the outline to the student image for easy identification of the current student location.
Location Details
Label is the name of the location.
Set whether the location is On or Off Campus
Set the display Colour for the location
Set whether or not the location Requires Boarder PIN
Set whether or not the location Requires Staff PIN
Shortcode is the 3 digit ShortCode that you can use for this location in small device displays.
Leave Details
For each location you can set some leave defaults that will record against the movement of a boarder in the Audit Log when they sign out to that location. These include setting the Leave and Transport Types for departure and return.
Allowed Time is a time allocation that you can set for any location. This will be used for REACH to determine and report the estimated return time of a boarder who has signed out to a location. The setting time is in minutes.
You can set different default settings for each year group.
Location Restrictions
For each location you can restrict its use to or availability to any student group or combination of student groups. By using Contact Flags you can even restrict the location availability to an individual.
Simply select the availability of each location using the filters available.