You can add contraindications to you medications as they are added to your system.
About Contraindication
A contraindication is a condition or factor that will create a caution message or prevent the administering of a medication in REACH based on the potential harm that it may cause to a patient.
When creating a medication in REACH you can create user defined contraindications that will generate caution alerts or prevention when administering a medication to a student.
Example 1 Panadol will contraindicate with itself if attempting to be administered < 4hrs apart.
Example 2 Paracetamol may contraindicate with some cold & cough mixtures which have Paracetamol as an ingredient.
Reach allows you to set contraindications that are only a warning message (Soft) or contraindications that prevent the medicating of a student (Hard).
Contraindication settings
Contraindications are generally a relationship between two medications however you can also use contraindications to manage minimum time intervals between dosages of a single medication.
A Contraindications message is triggered when the Contraindications Rule is triggered. Relative contraindications can be set to deliver a caution message (soft restriction) whilst Absolute contraindications can be set to prevent a medication from being administered (hard restriction)....
How to configure Contraindications
Click the Add button in the Contraindications section to add contraindications for any medicine.