Location awareness in the scheduled medications table
Notes required for Paused medications
As Required medication frequency
Nil administered and Student refused states for medication records
Location awareness in scheduled medications
The scheduled medications table now shows a location icon which will fetch details of the current location of a student.
If students who have gone on leave without their medications being paused or if students have late medications in the scheduled medications table it is useful to be able to quickly reference if that student is on leave.
Notes required for Paused medication
An upgrade to the Pause function in scheduled prescription medications means that whenever a staff member is pausing a medication the reason for the pause will recorded. The pause submission will also create a pastoral record in the medical history of the student’s profile.
In addition, the Pause & Expire function is supported with a new security permission in Reach Accessibility settings. Schools can now control which users have permission to Pause or Expire a prescribed medication.
“As Required” Medication frequency
A new frequency is available for prescription medications that allow you to set a frequency to “As Required”. When set to As Required the handling of the prescription medications will change and behave more like an over the counter medication.
When selecting As Required you are not required to set a time for the frequency
As Required prescription medications will not display in the scheduled medications table of the daily dispensary screen
Administering As Required medications is similar to administering over the counter medications
Select the blue “Add as Required” medication button
Select the student name
In the student’s profile of you will see the list of any As Required prescription medications that the student has been allocated and any over the counter medications that the student is permitted to take.
Nil administered and Student refused states for records
We have improved how you record Nil quantities administered and situations when medications are refused by students by including a “successfully administered” state of medications being administered.
Set the quantity to Zero and select the appropriate status from the drop down selector and write an appropriate note in the notes field to record the situation.