Getting there: System Configuration >> Contact Flags
Contact Flags provide a method to link specific Leave Approvers with specific Students or groups of students in the leave approvals process.
By default, REACH identifies the relevant staff members responsible for approving a student's leave request by their associated Dorm and Grade levels. Contact Flags allow you to set additional information about a user that can be used by REACH to override the normal rules that determine the pathway for how leave approvals process.
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In some schools there may be specific groups of students (eg: indigenous or overseas boarders) who have dedicated staff contact points in addition to their year or house master. Using Contact Flags is a way to isolate these boarders into a specific, additional group so that you may direct their permissions workflow through a different pathway. Any leave request that students with a Contact Flag submit can be directed to a designated staff member with the same Contact Flag in their record. A flag only works when the appropriate staff member is set with the same flag. |
Creating Contact Flags
Creating Contact Flags is a simple process of creating the label (name) for the Flag. It can then be applied to individual boarder profiles in the Metadata option of the People Management Menu.